when do marketing communications make sense? When you're explaining less and succeeding more.

Management consulting

If you are looking to build, evaluate, or restructure your internal communications department, we offer expertise in developing the most effective and efficient structure for in-house groups. Building on past experience as an ad agency founder with a staff of 30 — and as many as 300 jobs at any given time — plus 25 years interfacing with clients having successful and not-so-successful in-house support, our perspective has proven highly valuable to companies seeking the right balance between in-house staffing and outside professionals.

Brand audits

You already do many things well. That’s why you’re ready to take your organization to the next level. Question is, how well does your current brand serve you? An open-minded audit will clarify where you are now and where you need to go. Could your brand do better? Is it in the way of where you want to go? What are its assets? Liabilities? Are there hidden opportunities? Does your staff understand it, embrace it, protect it? Do others “get” why your product or service is so important to them? Are your customers as loyal as they could be?

Name change planning

The opportunity to get the most from your marketing dollar starts here. Company names, service names, naming conventions, product names, naming architecture — you can literally save thousands, if not hundreds of thousands by simply having the right names in play. It starts with having a clear, realistic picture of the market position you want to create. We’ll take you through the entire process. And when its time for legal checks, trademarking and registration, we have the resources to get it done right.